bulia byak wrote:
On 9/21/05, Joshua A. Andler <joshua@...233...> wrote:
And before I start, I'll say that I'm pretty sure you weren't shooting down the idea of copying and pasting line segments, but instead only pointing out that what he's asking for would work a little easier with the RFE that you referenced.
Of course. The idea of copy/paste sets of nodes occurred to me too, long ago, but I haven't so far come up with a solid and consistent idea of how it might work. There are too many unanswered questions - where to paste? whether to translate nodes or preserve positions? how to connect the new segment to the old one? It's all solvable but it all needs thinking and experimenting.
I guess this just got me to realize that there's some functionality I need that I wasn't so actively conscious about before. So, if there isn't a RFE on this filed for segment duplication, I most likely will go file one... but before that, does anyone else think this would benefit them or am I in the minority?
I would welcome this, if you make it really detailed and convincing :)
It would be pretty handy. Kochify does this in some shape or form.
Where to paste? I say paste over (replace) contiguous selected nodes.
Aaron Spike