Wanted to thank Bryce for turning me onto the Ishmal's index of updated functioning Inkscape progs.
I have a few questions and maybe a bug report..
I tried to save the SVG's as either Inkscape or regular SVG's and regardless of which I click on all Mozilla does is load up endless browser windows with nothing to show.  I think when I finally killed Mozilla I had about 50 instances of it and it was going to continue.  Irfanview can't open them up either "unknown file format" is all it tells me.  Draw12 opens it but it's flawed and RealDraw-Pro 3 opens it up but all color and fill effects and alpha is all gone.  Just a bunch of gray squares!  So is the save SVG not quite there yet or is there some thing that I'm not doing right??
Any way to Align objects, like center them?? 
Besides building in alpha are there plans to create transparency effects seperate from the color fills??
Many thanks!!
Keep on cookin'!!
Richard ;-)~
Peace and prayers