On 4/13/07, Tony Vigil <tjvigil66@...12...> wrote:
I'm completely with you regarding the benefits. I was actually replying to what someone else said about Inkscape creating something other than true SVG if raster editing was included.
That was my comment. Apparently went to read the actual Summer of Code project proposal that I was referring to, so here it is:
""" Inkscape was built purely as a vector editor – a GUI, you might say, for SVG. But the need has arisen for raster capabilities within the Inkscape application. Previous to this capability, the user would have to perform such raster post-production in a different application, such as the GIMP or Photoshop. Often this may not be anything more complicated than a punch/explosion effect or a windswept filter. This can be accomplished by integrating these effects, especially those provided by ImageMagick, directly into the Inkscape interface. The results will not be SVG, unfortunately, but they will be bitmaps, as the user desires. """
It wasn't my idea that raster capabilities would create something that's not SVG, it's right there in the project proposal. Clearly if you just apply transformations to a bitmap and save the result as a bitmap you can have something that's SVG, but I read the above as meaning something more like the filters will be similar to the blur tool. Applied on-the-fly to vector elements to create the effect. But maybe that's not what it meant.
I'd also just like to comment that, though ImageMagick is certainly chock full of features, and is a nice command-line tool, I haven't had the best experiences using it as a library. So I'd encourage Christopher Brown to investigate alternatives. Probably more useful and flexible would be the ability to apply GIMP filters.