On 8/12/09 18:22, Programmer In Training wrote:
Andreas Neumann wrote:
The answer is probably simple. You saved as "Inkscape SVG". Try to save as "Optimized SVG" and your browsers will render fine (except IE of course, but for IE you can still use the SVGWeb project from Google (http://code.google.com/p/svgweb/).
The problem with "Inkscape SVG" is that for the text element it uses "<flowRoot/>" elements which aren't supported in browsers.
There is also a setting in the preferences where you can tweak some aspects of the output, such as "accuracy" and style handling (style element or attribute (preferred))
Hope this helps, Andreas
OK, I saved as "Optimized SVG" and "Plain SVG" and I have the same problems. Thoughts?
Don't use 'Flowed Text', this is not part of the current SVG 1.1 specification and cannot be rendered reliably by other SVG renderers as for example in current Firefox versions.
Recommended workaround: convert 'Flowed Text' to regular text and save the document as separate 'Inkscape SVg' or 'Plain SVG' version for use with other software/renderer, if you need to further edit the text as 'Flowed Text'. (Hint: use menu 'Text > Convert to Text')
References: http://tavmjong.free.fr/INKSCAPE/MANUAL/html/Text-Creating.html#Text-Enter-Flow