Daniel Hulme wrote:
On Thu, Apr 03, 2008 at 12:36:31PM +0200, Boris Borcic wrote:
bulia byak wrote:
Because you cannot, in general, embed an arbitrary transform into the circle's parameters (center and radii). Actually a move only could be embedded into cx/cy, but since other transforms cannot, we didn't special-case translation (although this is possible, and is done e.g. for rectangles - so if you desperately need that, you can submit a patch).
A symmetric circle or disk can obviously be rotated around an arbitrary center, or uniformly rescaled, by changing at most its center and radius.
But even a symmetric circle cannot be skewed by changing its centre and radius.
Ha ! True in general, but if we have two distinct vertical and horizontal radii to play with - as we do - there exists non-trivial exceptions :)
For instance, starting with a cx=cy=0 rx=ry=150 symmetric disk, I can apply a 45 degrees horizontal skew followed by a 36 degrees rotation, and this gives me the same result as a non uniform scaling by +33% in Width and -25% in Height, without rotation. (values are in inkscape transform dialog units).
Cheers, BB