I need a little more info. Which Effect in particular are you trying?
The main one I've been trying is render function, but I get the same error for all of the effects. (With the exception of render grid)
Are you on PPC or Intel?
If on PPC, did you compiled pyXML yourself or did you install the precompiled binary? How long ago did you installed them? (I uploaded a new package something like 2 weeks ago)
I'm on Intel. I downloaded PyXML-0.8.4.tar.gz from sourceforge.net two days ago.
Can you check if you have a folder named _xmlplus in the directory / Library/Python/2.3/site-packages)?
No there isn't a folder name that.
In a Terminal type: ls /Library/Python/2.3/site-packages Can you give me the output of the commands (in Terminal): which python and python -V
ls /Library/Python/2.3/site-packages yeilds:
Extras.pth README
python yeilds:
Python 2.5 (r25:51908, Mar 30 2007, 11:43:19) [GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5250)] on darwin Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
python -v yeilds:
# installing zipimport hook import zipimport # builtin # installed zipimport hook # /sw/lib/python2.5/site.pyc matches /sw/lib/python2.5/site.py import site # precompiled from /sw/lib/python2.5/site.pyc # /sw/lib/python2.5/os.pyc matches /sw/lib/python2.5/os.py import os # precompiled from /sw/lib/python2.5/os.pyc import posix # builtin # /sw/lib/python2.5/posixpath.pyc matches /sw/lib/python2.5/posixpath.py import posixpath # precompiled from /sw/lib/python2.5/posixpath.pyc # /sw/lib/python2.5/stat.pyc matches /sw/lib/python2.5/stat.py import stat # precompiled from /sw/lib/python2.5/stat.pyc # /sw/lib/python2.5/UserDict.pyc matches /sw/lib/python2.5/UserDict.py import UserDict # precompiled from /sw/lib/python2.5/UserDict.pyc # /sw/lib/python2.5/copy_reg.pyc matches /sw/lib/python2.5/copy_reg.py import copy_reg # precompiled from /sw/lib/python2.5/copy_reg.pyc # /sw/lib/python2.5/types.pyc matches /sw/lib/python2.5/types.py import types # precompiled from /sw/lib/python2.5/types.pyc import _types # builtin # /sw/lib/python2.5/warnings.pyc matches /sw/lib/python2.5/warnings.py import warnings # precompiled from /sw/lib/python2.5/warnings.pyc # /sw/lib/python2.5/linecache.pyc matches /sw/lib/python2.5/linecache.py import linecache # precompiled from /sw/lib/python2.5/linecache.pyc import encodings # directory /sw/lib/python2.5/encodings # /sw/lib/python2.5/encodings/__init__.pyc matches /sw/lib/python2.5/encodings/__init__.py import encodings # precompiled from /sw/lib/python2.5/encodings/__init__.pyc # /sw/lib/python2.5/codecs.pyc matches /sw/lib/python2.5/codecs.py import codecs # precompiled from /sw/lib/python2.5/codecs.pyc import _codecs # builtin # /sw/lib/python2.5/encodings/aliases.pyc matches /sw/lib/python2.5/encodings/aliases.py import encodings.aliases # precompiled from /sw/lib/python2.5/encodings/aliases.pyc # /sw/lib/python2.5/encodings/ascii.pyc matches /sw/lib/python2.5/encodings/ascii.py import encodings.ascii # precompiled from /sw/lib/python2.5/encodings/ascii.pyc Python 2.5 (r25:51908, Mar 30 2007, 11:43:19) [GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5250)] on darwin Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. dlopen("/sw/lib/python2.5/lib-dynload/readline.so", 2); import readline # dynamically loaded from /sw/lib/python2.5/lib-dynload/readline.so
Thank you so much for your help,