On 05/10/2011 01:16 AM, Allan Javier Aguilar Castillo wrote:
El 09/05/11 13:25, Sébastien Lanteigne escribió:
Hi, Does anyone know what license covers the Inkscape logo. Many open
project are using restrictive licenses to cover their visial
Is it the case with Inkscape?
I'm asking because I usually release my work under Creative
commons but
I'm not sure if I can include the logo and release if the logo is
something like gpl which would require me to release un the same
I other words. Can I use the logo in something like this
And release it under Creative common?
Hello, Sébastien! Apparently, there is no a clearly statement
the copyright of Inkscape logo or the license to use it [1].
However, as
it is not specified otherwise, there is the assumption that the
logo has
been released under the GPL 2 license since it is part of the source of Inkscape.
[1] http://old.nabble.com/Inkscape-logo-license-tt22659124.html
On 05/10/2011 02:17 PM, Sébastien Lanteigne wrote:
Right I'll put a note since the GPL is not compatible with the CC SA-3.0 I.m using.
Oups that wasn't supposed to leave just yet... Let me start again.
Right I'll put a note since the GPL is not compatible with the CC SA-3.0 I'm using.
How can I link an SVG to another? That way I can release my work under CC SA-3.0 while keeping the linked document (the logo) under GPL.