As an short-time alternative you may try the PDF format. At least the newer versions of Adobe Illustrator import PDF documents fine. I don't know about the drop-shadow/blur, though. This is probably rasterized by Inkscape at a certain resolution.
Is the PDF format fully scalable? I had no idea.
yes, PDF is vector based, and as such scalable.
The only problem is, that Inkscape might export some special effects to raster if PDF doesn't offer a mechanism to do this effect in vector.
Also, PDF text is often not very easy to edit after it was created, esp. if the PDF exporter uses kerning.
Other than that, PDF is vector-based and the preferred format currently for professional printing.
-- Andreas Neumann Böschacherstrasse 6 CH-8624 Grüt (Gossau ZH) Switzerland Phone: ++41-44-2736668 Email: a.neumann@...2251...
Web: SVG Examples: SVG.Open: