Thanks, I tried what you said but I get this below after the intersection..:S. I have attached in this email the file with the two objects before doing the intersection.

On 04/23/2013 12:37 PM, Mark Crutch wrote:
Hi Javi,

If you check the Inkscape status bar, I'll bet it tells you that "one of the objects is not a path".

I think the tutorial was written for an earlier version of Inkscape, when converting text to a path resulted in a single path object. With 0.48 it actually produces a group of paths. So you need to select the text, convert to path, ungroup, then Path > Union to convert it to a single path.

Once you've done that you have two single path objects and the intersection should work.


On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 11:25 AM, Javier Garcia <tirengarfio@...155...> wrote:

I have found this tuto about creating a rubber stamp effect:

It says I should do an intersection between the image and the calligraphic drawing, but for me it doesn't work.., I mean, Inkscape doesn't do any intersection..Of course I select both objects before trying the intersection.

I attach a file.



Co-creator of The Greys and Monsters, Inked webcomics


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