Hey All,
I just realized that apparently my brain was not working right a week and a half ago when announcing everywhere else, I forgot to notify the user list! I apologize greatly!
After 5 months of bug fixing and vacation delays out of our control, the Inkscape Community is proud to announce that Inkscape 0.48.2 is out. This is our second bug fix release for 0.48 and it contains over 60 bug fixes to improve stability and functionality on all platforms. Check out the milestone page ( https://launchpad.net/inkscape/+milestone/0.48.2 ) for the full list of closed bug reports, or just jump right to downloading your package for Windows, Linux or Mac OS X ( http://inkscape.org/download/ ).
We are also determined to make at least one more point release before it's time for 0.49. Stay tuned for more news!
If you are a Windows user it is highly recommended to upgrade as it includes a security fix to a library we use.
Cheers, Josh