On Fri, 2004-10-08 at 19:51, bulia byak wrote:
Still, document updating should be optimized if possible. I remember Mental saying something about hordes of listeners attached to repr nodes and the time needed to process them all. Mental, can you comment
- is there any chance this can be sped up noticeably?
Probably. I was refering specifcally to clones in that case -- when you have a lot of clones, each clone has its own listener and the same work (largely parsing) is redone for each.
AST should help remedy that, as it removes the need to repeatedly parse the same string.
I think there are bigger problems, though.
As far as general performance, we need to sit down with a profiling build and see where the CPU time is actually going. These things tend to be very counterintuitive.
[ By the way, I've experienced ~2 minute update times myself, even on simple files, at high enough zoom levels -- update time appears to grow superlinearly with zoom level. ]