I have read in the roadmap that snapping to objects is slated for version 0.48 of Inkscape. However, I have a problem now which I think may be related to this and I would be grateful for any assistance or pointers anyone could give me.
I am using Inkspace 0.43 under Mac OS X 10.4.3.
I want to be able to generate PNGs on the fly with Cocoon, so I have SVG templates which I create with Inkspace and transform with XSLT. That part works well.
However, I have noticed that contiguous objects in the template are often rendered with a gap between them. Inkspace does this itself when I zoom in on the image, and the Batik rasterizer does it too. I can't overlap the objects at all because they are partially transparent.
Is there a way of fixing this problem with Inkspace? Or is it a feature? Of SVG?
Regards Steve