Hello Roeland,
Welcome! Some quick and shorts comments to your mail, mainly related to the snapping (which I've been working on the past two years):
- Multiple pages.
That's a known issue, and would indeed be very usefull. See https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/170369
- Printing: I have issues with it. I cannot set the type of paper for my
printer, and the result is often a bad layout.
Printing has been a bit neglected IMO. You might want to try exporting it to for example PDF or a bitmap and print from another program
- GRID snapping is a little nightmare for my kind of work. Right now,
Inkscape has "snap nodes" and "snap bounding boxes". Both of them are not suitable for me. Suppose you draw an object with irregular shapes (e.g. a group of polygons and text). There should be a modus: "move by reference point". The reference is snapped on the grid, and when moving, the destination of the object is by snapping the reference point ONLY.
What version are you using? V0.46 probably? Snapping has improved a lot since then, so please try an unstable nightly build and see if that works better for you. You can download nightly builds for Ubuntu here: http://launchpad.net/~inkscape-nightly/+archive
That's only been available for about a week now, so you're lucky :-)
Please have a look at the preferences; there are some options that allow you to snap only the node or boundingbox corner that is closest to the mouse pointer. This should give you more control.
If you move the object on a grid of say 10px, the object should ONLY move in steps of 10px without exception!
I don't agree with you on this point. I think not everyone uses a grid as strict as you do; I often find myself using both aligned objects and unaligned objects simultaneously. Related to that, it would be great though if the nudge distance could optionally be made equal to the grid pitch.
Furthermore, there should be a way to do "Snap to bounding boxes" with snapping to the CENTER of a thick line, NOT to the OUTSIDE of the thick line!
See the preferences: use a geometric bounding box instead of a visual bounding box!
- Arrows: arrow heads should change color by changing the color of the
Known issue. Please use effects -> modify markers -> color markers to match stroke
- Bug in the software today: exchanging objects across files via the
clipboard does not work.
Please try a nightly build.
- Dialog boxes: share dialog boxes for different files. I use the program
in the same way as we use "GIMP": different open files, and floating dialogs. However, if I click on a dialog box, Inkscape immediately selects another open file, because the dialogs seems to be 'linked' with the document windows.
Yes they are. I hate GIMP for that, but am using it nevertheless ;-)
- Text dialog: it seems to be different (not dockable) than the other
dialog boxes. I wonder why...
Probably because no one has gotten to that yet...
Please let me know if this kind of input is useful
and if anybody of the developers is reading this
YES! But Steven was right (see the previous mail), so please browse through our launchpad bug tracker and comment where appropriate, or file a new bug report if it doesn't exist yet.