On 2/7/11 23:39, John Minter wrote:
I encountered a bizarre problem today trying to make a figure with an embedded image using Inkscape 0.48+devel under MacOSX. When saved as a pdf or eps, the flesh tones look blue. Looks fine on the screen as s svg file. Thought it might be Preview, so I tried saving as eps and converting to PDF with epstopdf and got the same result. No problem with the same files on Windows with the same version of Inkscape. Google was no help. I'm hoping one of you has run into this before and found a solution. I have no idea where to look or what to try next.
Did you use the _same_ revisions of the development snapshots (0.48+devel) on Mac OS X and Windows? (Please always add the revision number when reporting issues with development snapshot builds - they are unstable by nature and things can change from revision to revision).
a) If the Windows development build was from an older revision (i.e. not affected), your issue has already been reported:
Bug #804311 "Red and blue in linked/embedded bitmap images swapped in cairo-based exports" https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/804311
This bug has been reproduced equally on Mac OS X _and_ Windows and is a regression introduced with the merge of the new cairo-renderer in r10326.
b) If you indeed used development builds of the same revision (or both
= r10326) on both platforms, it might be a different issue though.
hth, ~suv