jiho wrote:
PS for the more knowledgeable around here: I am acting under the assumption that packages such as lxml and numpy are incompatible between point versions of Python (2.3 vs 2.4 vs 2.5), which is what I read somewhere. If someone has indication that this is not true, it would be very nice to point my mistake: things would be simpler and Inkscape won't grow too fat if we can just ship one version of the packages (the sum of all pyton packages will probably be around 70Mb, compared to the 80Mb of Inkscape itself, it seems a bit overkill...).
Libraries with any compiled code (such as lxml which interfaces with libxml2) are incompatible between versions of Python. Python byte code is also incompatible between versions of Python. But pure Python libraries such as our inkex.py shipped without being compiled into byte code are not incompatible except for possible syntax variations.