On Tue, 17 Apr 2012 06:23:26 +0530 "Pranav Lal" <pranav.lal@...155...> wrote:
Hi all,
I have a number of *.jpg files that I need to convert to svg. I am using inkscape for the conversion. The problem is that the resulting svg is almost 5 times the size of the jpeg file. I have tried saving the file in compressed plain svg but with no success. The file is still very large. Is there anything I can do to shrink the file? I have run an open source cleanup tool called cleanSVG downloadable from codeplex but that has not helped.
I am open to using other JPG to SVG converters if inkscape is not the right tool for this exercise. Natively creating SVG is not an option at this point. Pranav
Probably the resulting svg would compress well in a .zip or .tgz. I think the problem is that .svg is a vector format, .jpg is a bitmap format, and a raw conversion would just make an XML description of the bitmap. If you could hand-process the bitmap to turn parts of it into vector objects, that would tremendously shrink the .svg.
Steve Litt * http://www.troubleshooters.com/ Troubleshooting Training * Human Performance