I'd like to know how to compile source code too (and how to get/find source code)
Hey, all. I'm very excited to play and report bugs for 0.48, though the only compiled binaries I've seen have been for Windows. I'm wondering if a) someone knows of a nightly 0.48 snapshots directory for Mac OS, or if b) someone could tell me what to do to try to compile my own.
I want to help. I want to contribute. I want to squash bugs. I want Inkscape to continue to be the best open source illustration application in existence.
I'm most familiar with compiling in Linux, e.g. ./configure&&make&&make install&&make clean
What do I need to do to get the sources and compile in Mac OS 10.5.8? I've been more of a user than a developer there. Anyone know of a good quick overview that is applicable to Inkscape's sources?
I'll RTFM if you tell me where it is.
Thanks in advance!