Mihaela skrev:
Look at this screenshot http://www.inkscape.org/screenshots/gallery/inkscape-0.45-patternalongpath.p... is this what you asked for?
This is for the 0.45 version of Inkscape, path effects have gone a long way since then. In 0.46 you can do as shown in the screenshot ;)
In the development version that live path effect has been tied to Pen and Pencil tools, so as you're creating a path stroke with Pen tool it can automatically become like a brush stroke (if you've chosen an object to apply that looks like brush bristles). http://www.inkscapeforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1794&p=9318&hil...
No, I mean like in this screenshot
It is like drawing along the path with a calligraphic pen, essentially as if an infinite number of lintel-shapes had been placed along the path, *without being rotated relative to one another*, as I've tried to harness my limited freehand drawing skills to show here:
As you see it may be treated as a number of shapes without relative rotation being placed along a path and an envelope drawn around them.