On 17/06/2009, at 3:53 PM, Jon A. Cruz wrote:
I have uploaded a new Universal pre0 package for Leopard to Sourceforge. Thanks ~suv for the detailed feedback on the last version. The following issues have been fixed (and changes to the packaging scripts committed to SVN):
- Missing gtk2-clearlooks engine added.
- Missing Python files added.
- Problem with the GDK-pixbufs not working (images not loading)
is fixed.
Please try out and report any additional issues.
Do you know if it has gtk with extended input support? I know newer 10.5 X11 has it
I can tell you it is built against and includes: gtk2 @2.16.2_0+universal+x11 xorg-libX11 @1.2.1_0+universal xorg-libXau @1.0.4_0+universal xorg-libXcursor @1.1.9_0+universal xorg-libXdamage @1.1.1_0+universal xorg-libXdmcp @1.0.2_0+universal xorg-libXext @1.0.5_1+universal xorg-libXfixes @4.0.3_0+universal xorg-libXi @1.2.1_0+universal xorg-libXinerama @1.0.3_0+universal xorg-libXrandr @1.3.0_0+universal xorg-libXt @1.0.5_2+universal
It seems that gtk is built with the "--with-xinput" option, but I really have no idea how to test this out within Inkscape.
Cheers, Michael