Your file also renders fine on a fairly recent devel build from SVN (16429, Nov 4) under Fedora Core 6 (see screenshot).
By the way, I noticed you are creating your figures using Juerg Schwizer's excellent plot2svg converter. For those Matlab figures that it can't handle (containing uipanels, etc), I've had good luck using a combination of 'savefig' (from the mathworks file exchange: to save to PDF, then using pdf2svg from You lose a lot (text converted to outlines, e.g.) compared to plot2svg, but at least it's still vector art...
I've pasted in a little matlab script below that calls pdf2svg.
function pdf2svg(file_in, file_out) % PDF2SVG convert PDF file to SVG file
if unix('which pdf2svg'), error(['pdf2svg not installed, can''t convert. Visit http://' ... '']);
cmd = [ 'pdf2svg ' file_in ' ' file_out ]; status = unix(cmd);
if status error(['pdf2svg call returned an error: ' cmd]); end
On Nov 30, 2007 12:47 PM, kaver <kaver@...45...> wrote:
Your file renders OK on 0.45.1, and a recent build (21 Nov) of Inkscape and on Explorer 6. Win 2000 sp4.
----- Original Message ----- From: "G. Clark Haynes" <gch@...2407...> To: Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2007 6:01 AM Subject: [Inkscape-user] Problem with Inkscape 0.45.1 on Gentoo
Since performing a recent upgrade on Gentoo (which included updating a LOT of core libraries, as well as upgrading Inkscape from 0.43 to 0.45.1), I've had problems with fonts when importing SVG files.
An example of the output is:
Basically, I have a workflow where I export SVGs from Matlab, then make minor changes to the figure in Inkscape, and then export an EPS graphic which is used for scientific publication.
Currently, it seems like the imported fonts are being very messed up, like all text bits being centered at one point, etc. You can see it in the figure above. The same file opens fine with Mozilla Firefox.
I realize that, given that a lot of libraries were recently updated on my machine, this may not be an inkscape problem. What other packages could be causing this? I do not see problems with any other programs on my computer ...
Thanks, and I hope I can get this fixed soon! Trying to get a journal publication out the door :-)
Clark Haynes, gch@...2407... Ph.D. Student, The Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University =====================================
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