I was going to post a feature request, but it seemed to similar to bug #1507665
So I thought I would post here first, rather than get myself deleted.
I would really like to see some better control over gradient creation in Inkscape. Currently it is possible to make cool gradients, but the dialog is cumbersome, and anti-intuitive. I would love to see colored sliders, as in the attached screenshot from Photoshop's gradient editor so that I can micro-manage every aspect of how my gradients look visually, with instant feedback.
Right now it is difficult to get the offsets right, and if you are working with a gradient with a lot of similar colors (say, trying to simulate some shiny metal), it is difficult to select the correct stop (for me anyway).
I was very confused by buliabyak's comment that the "'gradient dialog box' is no longer needed," since we would now be able to "edit [it] all on [the] canvas".
In Inkscape 0.45.1 I can edit the end points of a gradient on the canvas, which is a neat trick, but I don't see how you would edit any of the stops in between those without the dialog. If this kind of functionality is in the roadmap, I will humbly step back, for I am no coder (in C#/GTK anyway) just a lowly web designer.