3 Jun
3 Jun
5:33 p.m.
--- wayne <iw@...519...> wrote:
Anyone know the basic differences between Open Office Draw and Inkscape? Although I have oodraw installed on my box, I've only just looked at it and never really used it. I did notice that it can't open svg files (in version 1.1.4 anyway) though it does export to svg.
Thanks, Wayne
OODraw's bezier and freehand tools are a lot more annoying to use, in my opinion. Although in many ways Inkscape's bezier tool is a bit cruder, it's designed better.(i.e., you can already do *more* with it, and as soon as it gets some more UI polish it'll beat the pants off OODraw).
I didn't realize OODraw can export to svg -- I *looked* for that feature and couldn't find it...