~suv <suv-sf@...125...> writes:
Attaching a screenshot displaying the SVG and PDF... looks ok to me. Export tested with
- Inkscape 0.48+devel r9890 on OS X 10.5.8, (cairo 1.10);
- default PDF export settings (rasterize filter effects with 90dpi);
- default PDF viewer on OS X: Preview.app.
Which PDF viewer did you use to compare the rendering of the SVG and PDF file? Can you attach a screenshot and the PDF file itself?
It seems your Mac OS X PDF viewer is handling Inkscape PDF output better than does evince-2.30.3 (poppler 0.14.5) on Gentoo Linux ~amd64, or Adobe Acrobat Reader 9.4 on Windows.
Attached (edit: URL, can't attach*) is a screenshot of the described problem on my Linux PC, with evince-2.30.2
On Adobe Acrobat Reader 9.4 Windows 32-bit, the same PDF file produces the error: There was an error processing a page. There was a problem reading this document (109). Nothing gets rendered after dismissing the error dialog.
Thanks, Jeff
* I use gmane to read inkscape-users, no upload feature, and my list subscription has not been processed yet.