Haakon Meland Eriksen wrote the following on 01/18/2008 03:02 PM:
Brian Burger skrev:
On 1/11/08, heathenx <heathenx@...155...> wrote:
If someone wants to design a "SVG technology preview"-button then I'll be glad to include it. I wouldn't mind having the Inkscape logo on it to promote the software too. Hint...
Just to kick things off, a pair of quickie "SVG Tech Preview/Use SVG" ideas. (have I mentioned that I love Inkscape for rapid prototyping/'sketching' of artwork?) http://dev.wirelizard.ca/Use_SVG.svg
Thanks, Brian - I like these! I'll try them not to far away at http://far.no/ this weekend. :-)
Cheers, Haakon
Those are nice. I like the orange one the best.
Here's my take. I went for simple and a little Vista-ish.