On Thu, Jul 28, 2005 at 11:28:03PM -0700, Ted Gould wrote:
On Fri, 2005-07-29 at 08:17 +0200, Adib Taraben wrote:
This problem is about the inkscape\share\extensions\eps_input.inx file.
it looks for a "gs" in your path: <dependency type="executable">gs</dependency>
In order to have this done you need to have ghostscript in your PATH. add "C:\program files\gs\gs8.51\bin" to PATH and rename gs into gswin32c.exe in the inx file
Oh, cool. So how do we want to handle this in the future? Have two .inx files, one for windows and one for everyone else? Do the windows packagers have any ideas?
Perhaps this could be modified to allow alternative program names. It would try gs first, then if that doesn't exist, try gswin32c.exe.
This thread probably ought to be moved to -devel...