Thanks for all the answers, I will sumarize in one post
1. The 'Save as' is still the issue, here comes my save list: 1. Inkscape SVG 2. Plain SVG *3. Compressed Inkscape SVG (*svgz) 4. Compresse Plain SVG (*svgz) ... 15. Compressed Inkscape SVG with media (*zip) *16. Compressed Inkscape SVG (*svgz) 17. Guess from extension
2. As somebody mentions, Function Plotter lacks some error/warning about requring the rectangle (which solves the issue). I find it counterintuitive.
3. Sculpture works fine now. I knew about alt-drag and Linux WM issues. The thing is I've tried with maximum 3 nodes selected and it didn't work. This time I have tried with 4 and everything works ;)
Thanks again, Karol
Hi list,
Just installed
- Compressed Inkscape SVG appears twice in 'Save as' menu
- Effects -> Render -> Function Plotter doesn't render anything, but
takes a few second on doing something. No error or warning returned. 3. I may be using some wrong inkscape version, but the sculpture thing (alt drag nodes) doesn't work :(
regards, Karol
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