Is there some way to turn off the "smooth" or "symmetrical" (I am thinking it is smooth), default which appears to occur when dragging a second handle out from a bezier shape node? It is exasperating. I just get a curve positioned the way I want, and need to do something on an adjacent curve, but when I drag out a handle..."sproinnnggggg" there goes my carefully positioned first curve, then I have to unlock the handles with "make corner", reposition my first curve (again), and then move on to the second curve.
Also, a few times I have mistakenly made a handle where I didn't want one. Is there a way to "return" the handle to the node? I have just positioned it back as close to the node as possible, but it isn't quite the same and then if I want to move the node, I keep grabbing the handle by mistake.
Why do things slow down so much when I zoom in on a curve? Up close, it seems to take forever to drag a node to a new position (and my designs aren't all that complex). A couple of times, I have moved something, but for some reason, the mouse doesn't "let go" of the node right a way when I release the mouse button. The next thing I know, the node I just so carefully moved is "sproiiinnngggg" way over where my mouse now is. (I am running on a PIII 800 with 380-something meg of ram, under Slackware Linux 10.1)
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