On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 8:47 PM, Ken Springer <snowshed1@...3003...> wrote:
Being adverse to any kind of coding these days, if I had to do what it sounds like you're doing I'd probably use a macro recorder.
Bah :) That isn't coding - just BASH golf: run [command]. Did it work? No. Run [command --with-other-options]. Did it work? No, but it's closer to the hole. Putt until the ball goes in the hole, copy it down for next time ;) I think a GUI for that would just piss me off.
As far as your comments on linux: I'm not sure how well Mint would do on elderly hardware. If you have a beefy graphics card, give it a whirl (at least the live CD, bearing in mind there's going to be some lag while it's reading off the disc) . Most Mac hardware is loaded for bear when it comes to the GPU, though - so you might be OK. There are other distros that focus on being lightweight, and - and this is the great thing about open OSes - you could always install something like Mint, but then change the WM to something really spartan like fluxbox. But of course that's the fiddling you don't want to do ;)
And not to rant/rave about open source, but you may not know that the only reason OS X exists at all is that Apple forked one of the BSDs (openBSD or netBSD - I don't remember).
PS - at least two members of my local LUG are in California, and that's got to be at least a thousand miles away. Still a good group ;)
PPS - I'm not usually this active on this list; but your comments on workflow/toolchain compelled me to respond. I use both open-source and proprietary programs every day, and format-shifting is second nature by now, but it's always sticky!