I know, having used Corel Draw on my last computer, that it is a feature on that program, I also know that I haven't yet found that feature on this computer.
My suggestion is a little complicated, but here is what I would do:
What you need:
Basic pencil shadowing knowledge
A guide comprised of a rough sketch (on paper) of where you want your objects. (it doesn't have to be accurate, however it will help you understand where you would see the thicknesses.
A Ruler comprised from a vector line that is the length of the thickness you want your object.
Inserting the guide into Inkscape, I would trace and perfect the surface of the object in question (primary shape). Once you are satisfied, create secondary shape wherever the thickness of your object would be, You can use a cube of sugar to help your mind grasp the concept, or a block of wood.
Use your line, not changing it's length, against your primary shape to assure that the secondary shapes aren't too thick or thin. Adjust accordingly. As a guide to understand where the two shapes connect, I would start my secondary shapes with an odd color fill so that it's parameters are clear and non- confusing.
Once you have the shapes creating the object, you need to use your shadowing skills to complete the object. One by one, use the gradient fill tools provided in order to properly adjust the shadowing in the places that need it. Remember that the light source(s) never change, no matter how many objects you want to create.
All this being said, I truely don't know much about Inkscape as I just started the program a week ago, despite taking a year-long course on vector graphics. However, I hope this helped. I truely believe that no matter what your medium is, the more control you take over your creation, the better the results become.
Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2012 18:00:35 +0900
From: soichi777@...155...
To: inkscape-user@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Inkscape-user] 3D image using Inkscape
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