On 2015-11-05 03:27 (+0100), Brynn wrote:
When I'm using the power stroke LPE via Triangle In/Out in Pen or
Pencil tool, it only gives me 1 control node (the pink kind). But if I draw a regular path, and add the power stroke via LPE editor, I get at least 2 control nodes, usually 3. I guess that's how it's supposed to be? (…)
(…) But I wonder if there's a way to manually add more control nodes (pink)?
Yes - see Release notes for Inkscape 0.91: <quote> * Add nodes: Ctrl+click purple knot * Delete nodes: Ctrl+Alt+click purple knot </quote> http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Release_notes/0.91#PowerStroke
After adding a new knot with 'Ctrl+click', grab and drag it to the desired position (the added knot is initially at the same position as the one clicked - similar to duplicating objects)
Regards, V