On Wed, May 03, 2006 at 09:30:25AM +0930, j michaelson wrote:
hello everyone,
i've been dabbling with svg cartoons. i've been scanning black and white line drawings and converting them to svgs with the trace bitmap tool. i then colour them in by drawing blocks of colour and lowering them behind the outline. this is an incredibly time consuming way of doing things and i was wondering if there is a quicker way of doing it that i'm missing.
i've tried exporting to a bitmap, using the gimp to bucket fill the gaps and then tracing it back to an svg again, but it's not the most elegant way of working.
is there some kind of tool in inkscape equivalent to the bucket fill tool in gimp?
No, but there's been a proposal to implement a feature like this. The problem is that it sounds easy, but actually would be rather tricky to implement. If anyone feels like hacking on code for this, Bulia can explain his ideas, or see the RFE tracker for some other ideas.