Nicu Buculei (OCAL) a écrit :
Loïc Martin wrote:
A wiki would be a good idea for documentation. I think someone mentioned Sourceforge offers a wiki, but I don't really now about it, and Sourceforge never looks easy to use for a newbie like me. I never even saw wiki over there, and even less documentation with images.
You mean a wiki like this? http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page It is linked from the front page. Fell free to add to it any documentation you want.
It is powered by Mediawiki, so you probably will not have problems with the syntax.
Sorry, I just realised there was a wiki afterwards. And my email has been delayed for strange reasons (it was two days old at least) so it's a bit late.
Yes, the wiki would suit my needs. However, Inkscape guides aren't in the wiki, but on privates pages (so it seems) and seems to be done as a one person job.
It's not just the duplication of efforts, it's also the fact that you can't really easily contribute. A guide on the wiki could progress faster than a single person could do on its spare time.