On Mon, 29 Jan 2007, bulia byak wrote:
Also, we don't have many Freehand users on this list, so I would really welcome any feedback you can give about Inkscape from the viewpoint of a Freehand user. What features are you missing the most? What UI elements you hate/love the most? etc.
The Inset/Outset tools in freehand are much better. A small dialog is provided and you can choose to Inset X number of times with a given offset.
Freehand has seperate tools for Ellipse and Arc unlike Inkscape, which avoids some fiddling but I'm not sure it would be worth copying. The reflect tool is quite interesting, it shows a line about which the current object would be reflected and it shows the reflection and you can interactively rotate the line and the reflection moves too.
I'd be surprised if users didn't miss some of the Zoom keybindings from Freehand which inkscape doesn't have verbs for yet and so cannot be supported in the freehand style keybindings.
Macromedia products are built off of vector engines, and so strangely Fireworks actually has some vector shape drawing tools that are better than freehand, such as those for drawing arrows, or a torus (donut) shape.
I expect Inkscape already makes a lot of things from Freehand possible but streamline and the subtle details will be harder to copy.