14 Dec
14 Dec
4:31 p.m.
On Sunday 13 December 2009 23:47:07 bulia byak wrote:
As for advantages of using Inkscape for photos, they are the same as the general advantages of using vector editors: most importantly, everything is an object, selectable and modifiable on its own.
I couldn't agree more. I wish the lines between bitmap and vector (and 3D) would just blur already: 1. Draw in vectors - render to bitmaps (shadows, textures, etc.) 2. Natural painting tools - watercolour, charcoal, oil, markers -- all vectors, all node-editable, all scaleable, all groupable and joinable. All the time! 3. 1 and 2 on any face of a 3D object!
Go code now. You have your orders! :D
//ave: donn.ingle@...2691...
home: http://otherwise.relics.co.za/
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Font manager : https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/fontypython/