Sorry, I’m using Inkscape 1.0 (4035a4fb49, 2020-05-01)
Von: Dieter Vogel <>
Gesendet: Samstag, 1. August 2020 18:29
An: InkscapeUsers-MailingList ( <>
Betreff: [Inkscape-user] Question: Pattern-along-path (LPE) deforms circular path - known issue?
I’m Dieter and this is my first entry to this mailing list. As I really appreciate the efforts of the inkscape developers I would like to contribute by reporting issues/bugs.
I’ve noticed that, whenever I add the LPE (Pattern along path) on a “perfect” circle (created with Ctrl –> make whole ellipse -> Object to path), the circle (the path for the pattern) gets slightly deformed – subsequently
the pattern also doesn’t follow a perfect circle. I’m able to replicate the problem (also with default preferences).
Originally, I wanted to report this as a bug, but the inkscape website suggests to ask around first. So, does anybody know if this is a known issue or if it should behave like this (I suppose not)? On GitHub I couldn’t
find an entry for this particular issue.