Adam wrote:
bulia byak wrote:
On 10/31/05, Adam <adamsown@...942...> wrote:
You said:
"It would be cool if you could instead adjust the path by drawing again close to it to fix the parts you don't like."
This is what you can do in Illustrator. The Illustrator manual says:
"Position the pencil tool on or near the path to redraw, and drag the tool until the path is the desired shape."
OK, got it. This basically means that the pen and/or pencil should be able to cut&continue any path from any point. This may be useful indeed. Can you please file a RFE?
-- bulia byak Inkscape. Draw Freely. http://www.inkscape.org
I have created an rfe - no. 1343044 - and attached a drawing to the rfe illustrating this feature.
Emil, please review the rfe to confirm this is what is wanted:
Well, I goofed with the URL. Try this