23 Jul
23 Jul
2:41 p.m.
Quoting Aaron Spike <aaron@...476...>:
*Something like "styles" Its annoying to constantly have to input different values into the fill and stroke window. I should be able to just chose a preset style, that would for example, make the line .8 pt with a dot dash stroke. Then another style that is 1 pt, and has an arrow end marker and a solid stroke pattern etc.
A long while ago on IRC I helped someone implement an extension to quickly style lines for mountain and valley folds. It would be rather simple to create a small palette of styles for your work (after learning some python, of course).
I would be interested in this, also. How do I create a palette from python and fill it with a list of items to select from?
Aaron "Optimizer" Digulla a.k.a. Philmann Dark
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