Terry Brown wrote:
I hope this can make it in to 0.46, as I think my slide making utility which needs this functionality could be quite useful.
How should patches be submitted now? Launchpad blueprints? It wasn't immediately obvious how to use them, so I made this bug instead:
I don't know about Launchpad (and won't touch it with a ten foot pole), bu this is the *users* list, the question is better asked on the development list. And to make it better noticeable, better use a new message (with "compose") instead of replying to an unrelated email.
This is the patch to add the command line switch --query-all which dumps id,x,y,w,h for all objects with an Id.
I sent a version just to Bulia by mistake, meant to send it to the whole list, anyway the version on launchpad corrects the transposition of x,y with w,h in the version I sent Bulia :-}