I'm new to the list, and have been trying to install Inkscape on mac os x.3 running fink, gnome, and Xtools for 2 days now (unsuccesfully) using both the 'top-down' (fink install -y inkscape) and 'bottom-up' (dl the .gz file and attempting to compile it that way) approach.
The error I get from using fink is:
fink install -y inkscape /usr/bin/sudo /sw/bin/fink install -y inkscape Password: Information about 1501 packages read in 2 seconds. Failed: no package found for specification '-y'!
And when compiling from the source (doing a './configure' command) it stops at this error message:
configure: error: You have to install pkg-config to compile inkscape.
Not quite sure how to proceed, any comments/suggestions would be helpful,
Tim timjaeger@...85...