Actual name of group?

Paul Bowers, PPD IV, SPED International
Director | Web Developer | Site / Server Administrator | MoodleMangler
Society of Piping Engineers and Designers
“Promoting Excellence and 
Quality in Piping Design”

On Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 6:55 PM, Daniel Patterson <danielanywhere@...3237...> wrote:

If you use LinkedIn, you will be interested to know that the LinkedIn Inkscape group has been created.


Improve your job-related Inkscape skills, discuss your Inkscape experiences, or help fellow Inkscape users and developers.


In, search for Inkscape, then click Ask to Join. Your request will be approved within 24 hours or less. Once a member, you are also allowed to invite others to the group.



DanielAnywhere, MCSD



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