On 9/21/05, Joshua A. Andler <joshua@...233...> wrote:
- I would like to create shapes that exactly match other shapes, at least
in part. This would involve duplicating nodes from other shapes. Currently this can be done with many steps, such as duplicating the other shape, creating a new shape that overlaps it, and using a boolean operation to cut away the new shape so that it matches the edge of the other shape. I could do this a lot easier if I could just select a node on the current image and get Inkscape to make it exactly match the closest node on the adjacent object. A few iterations of the above option (add a node near the cursor) and this option (snap current node to nearest node) would give me what I want.
I think this will be more or less covered by the bucket fill tool:
-- bulia byak Inkscape. Draw Freely. http://www.inkscape.org