On Sun, May 20, 2007 at 08:57:49PM -0500, Gian Paolo Mureddu wrote:
Yes, well not exactly... I'm conscious of the differences of Raster and Vector graphics. I only export those elements I want to fine tune. If anyone uses Linux, then using Scribus is another possibility, which means a better PDF exporter than that of Inkscape's native one, which then means no need for GIMP, and direct manipulation of the SVG within Scribus itself, as it supports the format (I ignore if inkscape specifics are lost, like blur effects and the like) when manipulating directly the SVG within scribus. Another way to do this, is to export image portions to a separate raster format in a higher DPI modify as needed in GIMP,
If I understand this correctly, for my purposes, saving to something like .png and converting, or saving to .eps, are better options...
then export or save-as another SVG the text elements, and compose the final document in Scribus (much better way than using OO.o as intermediary) then fine-tune the PDF options within Scribus. I did not mention this earlier, as I did not know if the OP used Windows or Linux, as Scribus is only available (AFAIK) to Linux and POSIX Unices.
Scribus is actually available for Linux, Mac (OSX) and Wind0ws.