John Cliff wrote:
delete the spanish .po file from the install, if it cant find it it'll revert to english.
I'm wondering how can I install Inkscape in English on a Spanish Windows version. Any ideas?
A slightly less destructive answer can be found in the faq http://wiki.inkscape.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?FAQ. ;)
Aaron Spike
Q: I am working on a machine with operating system xxx which has default language yyy set, but I want to work with Inkscape menus in language zzz (most likely English), how can I set this?
LANG=C inkscape in the commandline switches to the default language (English). LANG=fr inkscape changes the language to french. This command is only used by the started program. The used locale has to be installed (else it falls back to the default language). To change it easier in the future, you can use an alias alias inkscape="LANG=C inkscape" You have to save that in the .bashrc , so that you can use it even after the next system restart. Type locale -a in the console to find out, which locale setting is supported on your system.
The official Mac OS X way is to provide .lproj files which enables applications to pick up the [preferred language] from the [System Preferences] dialog; however, this is probably some considerable way into the future. It might be possible to set up a scheme involving [langauge :: packs], otherwise the linux methods may work.
1. Locate the installation directory. 2. Enter the Inkscape\locale directory 3. Locate the directory with the two letter locale you don't want to use. 4. Rename (or remove) this directory to something like disable_de or x_es 5. Restart inkscape and the default English (en) locale will be used. Beware, this change the behaviour for all inkscape users on this machine