Thank you for the response. I have discovered that Inkscape appears to work as it should on my laptop. So I am assuming the problem is with this computer. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the program a couple of times, but I get the same strange behavior with each reinstall. This computer uses the same operating system and has more RAM and faster operating speed. So I dunno. I will submit it as a bug. Could be the uninstaller isn't getting everything cleaned off, or there is some known conflict with some other program I have running. I'll see what they say. Thanks.
-Joe Ward
I haven't been able to reproduce this behaviour on my machine, but I would recommend submitting this as a bug report at https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape . You'll probably get a faster response that way because bugs are being monitored very actively right now. You will need to specify:
- which OS ?
- which version of Inkscape ?
- is it only the Star tool that causes a problem, do the other shapes like
ellipse work properly ?
- does this happen only with the map present, or do you have the same
problem on a blank sheet with no map ?
with respect to the pasting, it will always occur exactly where the mouse is, so if you just clicked on a menu item, then that's where you'll get the star. To control the position of the paste, try using control-V on the keyboard so you can have the mouse where you like.