It's inaccurate and unfair to characterize current forum members as resentful, just because they are reluctant to move to a new, unproven forum. Although, they might easily become resentful if they are whitewashed as malcontents for just being cautious.
Comments above in this discussion indicate that a phpbb forum is a viable fallback... why not *start* with a working, familiar, platform that has experienced worldwide users/moderators/developers? (A separate login from has not been a problem at the forum, so it is a weak argument to say it is a significant obstacle for a new forum.) If the project installed a phpbb forum structured in the same manner & functionality as the current, most active members would be amenable to moving. I certainly would. (Additional benefit would be the seamless integration of the old forum content, in the unlikely event the databases are provided.) I don't see the overarching need to reinvent the wheel.
Current active users are vital to the success of a new forum. They attract new members by providing substantive contributions. Case in point, last year there were over 1700 users on the in a *single day*... that's about as many users as has registered in *five years*. I'm not saying the information at is inferior, but rather imagine if it had attracted more of the active group of users from As an active contributor of, I can attest to >2200 posts, local folders reflecting assistance to >600 unique users, dropbox folders containing uploads of gif, svg, screenshots, for about 300 unique users... And I'm a relative lightweight compared to some other active users.
The active users are participating at high levels for the love of Inkscape and its users. These are the anchors of the user community that attract and support new users. It might be wise to listen to what they have to say... not just in their comments, but in their reluctance to move away from what is currently working.
Don't brand us as resentful just because we are comfortable staying with a working platform. It's not resentment keeping active users at the old forum, it's functionality. When the new forum works as well or better than the current forum, active users like myself will be more open to moving.
Have a nice day.