* In the color selector widget, the HSV tab (Hue, Saturation, Value) is replaced by HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness). The HSL color space is similar to HSV but is more convenient because it better reflects the intuitive understanding of what "saturation" and "lightness" are:
o In HSL, the Saturation component always goes from fully saturated color to the equivalent gray (in HSV, with V=max, it goes from saturated color to white, which is counterintuitive).
o The Lightness in HSL always spans the entire range from black through the chosen hue to white (in HSV, it only goes half that way, from black to the chosen hue).
See for more info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSV_color_space http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HLS_color_space
If anyone really needs HSV and only HSV (why?), let me know and I'll add it in parallel with HSL (though having two similar ones side by side may be confusing for the user).