Thank you for the example.
I've created a small SVG test file with five different fonts:
A. Source Hans Sans CN B. VL PGothic C. EPSON 太行書体B D. IPAMincho E. A small test font I created.
Punctuation renders correctly in Firefox: A, C, D and E. Inkscape (with my private code) A, D, and E. Chrome: none.
OpenType Lookup Tables: A. Can't tell. Fontforge does not load file correctly. B. Does not have 'vert' table but does have 'rtla' (Right to left Alternatives in CJK) C. Has 'vert' plus a single lookup table named Upper & Lower Case lookup 1. (The vertical alternatives appear in both tables.) D. Has 'vert' and 'ccmp' E. Has 'vert'
In FontForge, C behaves strangely. The vertical alternatives are show in the vertical orientation in the main glyph window but when selected for editing they are shown (sometimes not immediately) in the horizontal orientation. I don't know if this is caused by the second lookup table.
I believe that Pango does the correct vertical glyph substitution but it is still left to the client software to do the glyph rotation which can be done based on the resulting "gravity" lookup from Pango.
The test SVG is attached as is my test font.
Feedback highly desired.
On Fri, 2015-10-23 at 16:39 +0900, 服部 頼義 wrote:
Thank you very much.
The bottom is the text written by a font for vertical writing. I don't just make a font revolve 90 times. Some fonts are replaced.
A way of a change is defined by a font. It's an example.
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