If you want to be at the bleeding edge ocassionally you are going to have to install from source. rpms are not always going to be available. I personally prefer the tar.gz or tar.bz2 files with a ./configure script because these are more generic. I suspect that if you want to use urpmi you will have to wait for someone to do this.

Your distribution will not always have all the libraries already installed. In my case the following were required: -

gtkmm glibmm gtk+2.4 and libsigc++ which can be found through http://www.gtkmm.org/download.shtml

To find this I searched google for "glibmm-2.4.0 download". These packages will have dependencies of their own. They may or may not be installed on your system. That is part of the fun :)

libxml I don't know, I never needed to add it.

./configure tells you that you should consider setting PKG_CONFIG_PATH and this is why I tried it.I used the stated directory because that is where the gtk libs put their <name>.pc files. I added the export because otherwise the configure script never gets to see it's value.


Istvan Seidel wrote:
Am Mittwoch, 17. November 2004 04:03 schrieb Jamie - Ink:

 I use slackware 10 and have seen a similar message. You need to download
and compile the libs referred to (Google will help) and then what I found I
needed to do was export the pkgconfig path because some of the package
files are put in /usr/local/... instead of where pkgconfig normally looks.
I suspect changing the install path for the packages themselves would also
fix this but ... I didn't.
'urpmi' says, all this is installed:
'configure: error: Library requirements (gtk+-2.0 >= 2.4.0  libxml-2.0 >= 
2-2.4.24  sigc++-2.0 >= 2.0.3  gtkmm-2.4  )'

but no information about the version number.
Where can i find information about it, and get actual numbers?
I would like to do it with 'urpmi'.
I don't have good/ succesfull experiences with Google.
why this?


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