On Wed, 2013-11-13 at 16:19 -0800, Chris Tooley wrote:
I see, I guess my needs are not as intense as some others! :P
I'll explain from a developer's perspective:
There is no difference between a layer and a group, they are both group elements. The only difference is that a layer has an inkscape only attribute which says it's a layer and what it's visible label should be.
Functionally layers can be more easily controlled in terms of visibility (on/off) and ordering hierarchy can be visualised. On the other hand plain groups can be transformed, i.e. they can be moved around, rotated, skewed etc.
The distinction is there to provide a way for different features to contextualise groups and layers. I have an idea for a checkbox which would show all groups in the layers dialog for people who want to see their document's group hierarchy as layers. (which would be interesting)
Best Regards, Martin Owens