Hi everyone,
On a few occasions when I needed a pdf document, I have been unable to export JessyInk presentations using the usual procedure due to Inkscape freezing when opening the Firefox-exported files. I ended up writing a little Python module and command-line tool to directly export the slides from the command line. Some of you may find it useful, especially when you have a deadline a few hours way and Inkscape suddenly chokes on your presentation ;)
It supports JessyInk effects and views and exports each slide+effect/view as a separate svg file. These can then be converted directly with Inkscape on the command line to the format of your choice (e.g. with "inkscape -A ..."). Because it uses Inkscape to render the final slides, the slides appear exactly as designed in Inkscape.
The script also includes functionality (via various subcommands) to extract, embed or deduplicate images, scrub sodipodi:absref attributes and unused defs, deduplicate markers[1], etc. The list will likely continue to grow.
There is also a ji2pdf wrapper script to generate a pdf presentation from the JessyInk svg file. ji2pdf depends on pdfunite from poppler but could easily be changed to use another method to join resulting slides (e.g. imagemagick).
There's also a wrapper script based on PhantomJS in the source archive but I haven't used it since writing ji2pdf.
For an up-to-date list of features, check the help message on the project page[2]. Packages are available on Arch Linux (via the AUR[3] and my repos[4]).
If any of the Inkscape or JessyInk devs are reading this, thanks for all your work!
Regards, Xyne
[1] https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/1550902 [2] http://xyne.archlinux.ca/projects/svgtools/ [3] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/svgtools/ [4] http://xyne.archlinux.ca/repos/